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© 2015, South Central Ventures

SCV Week in Review #11

As usual, we made a review of the previous week but this time everyday life has changed for a lot of people and companies. So we decided to highlight positive events and present portfolio members that are developing solutions that can help in these trying times.

  1. Workpuls is on a list of tech solutions helping companies combat COVID-19 consequences and offers free consultations for anybody trying to organize remote work.
  2. ConveyIQ shares learnings on how to address employee fears in light of COVID-19.
  3. LittleDot, the Croatian app for remote pediatric advice, is sharing useful advice from its staff to give parents better chances to get through the Coronavirus epidemic.
  4. European Commission calls on startups or SMEs that develop technological innovations that could help in treating, testing, monitoring or other aspects of the Coronavirus outbreak.
  5. To not make it all about COVID-19, we are sharing this important highlight as well. We are very proud of our portfolio company Cognism that had a successful last week raising $12M in an investment round led by AXA Venture Partners.
  6. We are also very happy to see our community growing. South Central Ventures LinkedIn profile has just turned 1.000 members last week. If you are not following us yet, we invite you to start now.

Enjoy the read & stay healthy!