Terms and conditions

This website is owned and maintained by SCV Fund Management B.V., a limited liability company with its registered seat in Amsterdam and office address at Herikerbergweg 88, Jupiter Building, 1101 CM Amsterdam, and registered in the Commercial Register under number 62120654.

SCV Fund Mangement B.V. is advised by SCV Partners d.o.o. Belgrade, a limited liability company with its registered address at Sime Lukina Lazića 12b, 10000 Belgrade, registered in the Commercial register in Belgrade under number 21067709.

The terminology used on this site may be interpreted to suggest that South Central Ventures is an entity. However, there is no such single entity and the entities comprising our firm have their own legal existence.

Certain individuals are referred to as “Partners” or “Managing Partners” on this site. These titles reflect customary business usage within our industry and are not intended to indicate that any such individual is actually a partner or general partner of any partnership as those terms are used for legal purposes.

The website is limited to providing general information about South Central Ventures. Nothing on this Site is intended to constitute a part of (i) an offer to purchase or sell any security, or other asset or service, (ii) investment advice, or (iii) a basis for making any investment decision.
We reserve all rights with respect to the design, look and feel and content of this website. Use of the Site does not grant you a license to any content, features or materials you may access on this Site.